About us
Short history
If the opportunity does not knock on the door, build a door!
The TESA Health Union was created as a result of a major lack of active and sustained representation of economic-technical and administrative support staff in the health field. This situation determined us to take an attitude by organizing a new union structure, which would represent this category of employees who are an active and indispensable part in carrying out and supporting medical activities.

The TESA HEALTH FEDERATION (National Federation of Free Technical-Economic-Administrative Trade Unions from the Sanitary and Spa Units in Romania) was founded in 1990, with the aim of defending and representing employees in the TESA sectors of the health system.
The founder of the TESA FEDERATION - prof. Augustin Chifor - who fulfilled for many years the position of head of the administrative service within the Hospital Municipal Bucharest, formed the first free trade union TESA in 1990 at the Bucharest Municipal Hospital (currently University), then organized the FEDERATION at national level. The call of the union from "Municipal" for the organization of a Federation at national level enjoyed an enthusiastic response from dozens of hospitals across the country - which saw the TESA Federation as the only structure capable of defending their jobs, salary and social rights.
TESA FEDERATION has gained its representation at national level, having affiliated TESA unions in almost all counties of the country. The recognition and prestige it enjoys at national and state institutions level they were hardly built during the 25 years of activity.
Over the years, the Tesa Federation has held negotiations with representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, representatives of the Government or the Presidency of Romania. and participated in dozens of demonstrations, picket rallies, protests given the defense of the rights of TESA Health employees
TESA FEDERATION organized annually national conferences attended by invited health ministers, secretaries state, directors from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor TESA FEDERATION has its own Communication Department and an active relationship with the national and local press
Since March 2014, the new name is the NATIONAL UNION OF TESA HEALTH TRADE UNIONS