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De ce un sindicat TESA?

The "Justice in Health" Support Group is a group initiated by the TESA Union but open  all those who work in health, regardless of profession, who feel wronged and discriminated against by current legislation and the way it is applied.  

​ This group is meant to show solidarity as much as possible  many colleagues who work in the health field, regardless of profession and who support the ideas of justice and fairness for the entire medical team in each health unit.


To be part of the group and more details please send an email with your name, profession and hospital where you work to or using the Contact Form .

Cum infiintez un sindicat?

Urmati secretul celor 2 pasi. Uniunea TESA va spijina si va asigura suport atat la infiintare cat si pe parcursul desfasurarii activitatii sindicale. Detalii gasiti aici.

Unde ma afiliez?

Simpatizantii TESA care nu au sindicate infiintate dar vor sa adere si sa fie reprezentati de Uniunea TESA o pot face apleland la tel. 0726 759 824 sau completand formularul de contact. 

De ce drepturi beneficiez ca membru TESA ?

Ca membru al sindicatelor TESA beneficiati de toate drepturile prevazute de Contractul Colectiv de Munca la nivel de ramura sanitara, contract semnat de Confederatia Meridian pentru Uniunea TESA.

Fii vocea TESA pentru tine si colegii din spitalul tau!

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